
I lost 40 pounds using Sophrology

I lost 40 pounds using Sophrology

A year ago I decided to change my outlook on food and generally on eating.  I also had enough of being overweight.  It all began when I decided to eat plant-based meals for over 21 days. You know the diet Beyoncé did? 

My first Blog Post

My first Blog Post

Hello and welcome to my little Blog page!  This is my first ever blog, so as I created the website, I figured a blog is also a great way to introduce myself and Sophrology to you all.  I will share my experiences and those of others who have practiced Sophrology and hopefully it will get you excited to try it out.  Now that is said, I do hope to try to keep it simple and not meander along the river as I tend to do!  But, as I usually write as I speak the chances of that happening will probably be null and void!  

So let me briefly introduce myself...