Mental Prep

American Sophrology Testimonials - The good, the shocking and the inspirational

American Sophrology Testimonials - The good, the shocking and the inspirational

It is Summer in Phoenix, which really means it’s hot hot hot here in Phoenix with triple digit temperatures..! So it’s time to stay inside and share some testimonials..

All Athletes are Winners

All Athletes are Winners

The Tokyo Olympics are in full swing right now and thanks to Olympic gold medalist Simone Biles, the much needed discussion about mental health is being raised.

Pets know best how to listen

Pets know best how to listen

They say animals know best how to relax... They live in the present and don’t worry about the past or the future… well imagine my delight to know they also enjoy Sophrology!

Sophrology, Surgery & Phobias

Sophrology, Surgery & Phobias

Sophrology is helps people with surgery nerves, as well as phobias.  Here is a little example of one client who has dental phobia.